Excellent Websites for Your Research
Here are a few of my favorite websites that I have used during my research.
Kentucky Kinfolk: Bowling, Baker, Sizemore, Amis, Combs, Cornett , and more
Bowling, Bolling and All other Spelling Groups
Kentucky History and Genealogical Network
Facebook Project
Clay County Genealogical Society
Jackson County Kentucky History and Genealogy
Kentucky History and Genealogy
Appalachian Americans
Kentucky Kinfolk: Bowling, Baker, Sizemore, Amis, Combs, Cornett , and more
Bowling, Bolling and All other Spelling Groups
Kentucky History and Genealogical Network
Facebook Project
Clay County Genealogical Society
Jackson County Kentucky History and Genealogy
Kentucky History and Genealogy
Appalachian Americans
Cumberland Gap Genetic Genealogy Facebook Group
Melungeons Facebook Group
Bolling, Bowling Facebook Group
TriState Genealogy Group Ohio-Indiana-KY- Facebook
Pennsylvania Genealogy- Facebook
Genealogy and Newspapers- Facebook
Southeastern Ky History, Genealogy and Cemeteries- Facebook
The Clay County Genealogical and Historical Society- facebook
Wilkes Genealogical Society (official) facebook (North Carolina)
Breathitt Memories- Facebook Kentucky group
Jackson County Ky Facebook group
Melungeons Unite Facebook group
Kentucky Genealogy Network Facebook
Tall Tales and Folklore's of Kentucky's History
Families from Breathitt County Ky Facebook
Clay County History and Genealogy
Breathitt County History
Owsley County Ky Genealogy Facebook
Descendants of the LongHunters Facebook
Melungeon and Proud of It Facebook Group
Cortland Cemetary Ky Facebook
Pike County Ky History Facebook
East Ky facts, Legends Facebook
Lineage Society of America Facebook
Ohio History and Genealogy Facebook
Southeast Kentucky Genealogy
North Carolina Genealogy
The Mayflower Society facebook
Newspapers- The Ancestor Hunt website
Jackson County Ky Rootsweb Website
Rootsweb Resource Page
Chronicling America Newspapers Website
Cincinnati Ohio Museum Center
Library of Congress
The Great Migration- Pilgrims
American Ancestors
Newspaper Abstracts
The Olden Times Newspapers
Kindred Trails
Access Genealogy- Free Site
Genealogy Today- Google for Ancestry
National Archives
Us Genweb
World Genweb
Family History Daily
Find A Grave
Cyndi’s List- Resource
Family Tree Maker Magazine
Fold 3- Newspapers
Bureau of Land Management
Digital Public Library of America
Steven Morse- many sites ( Ellis Island)
State Websites-Individual states
Census Tools
Williamsburg Library Genealogy
Library of Virginia
Family Search- death certificate
Moutain Laurel
Old Cade Coves-Kentucky pictures
Appalachian Mixed Blood-Melungeon Blog
Melungeon s Blog-Hancock Tenn
Bowling, Bolling Website at Blogger-Original
Colonial Records of North Carolina
United States Marriage Records-Definitions
The Cumberland Gap Blog
The History Channel
Kentucky Library
Kentucky~ Kindred Trails
Kentucky Dept of Library e Archives