John Jay Dickey Diaries Listing Numerous Bowling's.

The Following are Abstracts taken from the John Jay Dickey Diaries. ā€œGhosts of Kentucky, Volume 1 Supplement.ā€

Baker, Rev of the M.E. Church

Roll 3 Pg 1602 1 Jan 1896

Baker, Mr. A.C.

A young lawyer from Covington.  On YMCA Committee.

Roll 1 Pg 150,265,423 Feb 1884 / 29 Mar 1885  Jackson 

Baker, A.W.

On town board, his brother and brother-in-law are too. He owns a saloon.

Roll 3, Pg 1982 dated 3 Jan 1898 Manchester. 

Baker, Abner- Made salt near "Dr" Burchell.  Dr. Baker was cousin of "Juder Bob" Baker and Francis Clark.. Abner was the first clerk of Co. Information by: Anderson Philpot

 Roll 3, Pg 2198, 2221 and Roll 4, Page 2715.  Dated  Mar 1898 / 20 Mar 1899 Clay Co. 

Baker, Allen

Writes from Jackson, Breathitt, KY wants to sell out here and settle there. A brother has gone to Barboursville to look around.

Roll 3 Pg 2041,2471 and 2521. Dated April 1898 / June 1898 / July 1898 Manchester 

Baker , Andrew

Baptized Jesse Bolling at Black Water church, now Hawkins Co. TN. Information by; Jason W. Bolling.

Roll 3 Pg 2344 15 June 1898 Benge 

Baker, Mr. Ans  (Ance).

Under peace bond for shooting on street.  He was a Saloon Keeper.  Ance and John fought Holland Campbell on Laurel Creek.

Roll 3 Pg 1931, 1967, 2041 dated 8 Nov 1897 / 31 Jan 1898   Manchester 

Baker, Billy

Brother of George who was buried yesterday. Billy was hung for killing Frank Prewitt, but his wife, on her death bed, said she did it. Information by: John D. COLDIRON

Roll 3 Pg 2225, 2226 dated 9 Apr 1898

Baker, Bowling, Senator

Brother of John, Senator (called "Teneretta" / "Rent-A"). Bowling, (son of Senator) Junior, was bound to Daughter White to learn salt making. He killed Morgan Dezan. Then Bowling fled the county. Information by: A.E. Robertson.

Roll 3, Pg 2282-83 Apr 1898 

Baker, "old" Cana

Made up rhyme on the "Cattle War". The Bakerā€™s and Garradā€™s were always together.

Information by: Jason W. Bolling.

Roll 3 Pg 2344, 2422 dated 15 June 1898     Benge

Baker , Charles, Surveyor

Roll 3, page 1678 dated 9 May 1896 

Baker, Clem "Rev"

Spoke at Pastor's conference here.

Roll 7- Pg 5571 dated 12 June 1927    Winchester 

Baker, Cord

Has little daughter.

Roll 3, page 1933 dated 11 Nov 1897 Manchester 

Baker, Dan

Visited here

Roll 3 Pg 2545 23 July 1898 Wooton, KY

Baker, Dr.

Hung here, (said David Y. Lyttle ) for killing Daniel BATES. "Dr" was "crazy" and jealous of his wife.

Information by: Henry Lucas

Roll 3, page 2092 Manchester

Baker, Frank Nelson "Dr"

Of Winona IN. Spoke at the Sunday School Conference at Berea.

Roll 6, Pg 5078, dated 12 July 1924  Flemingsburg

Baker, Gardner

Has place here. Wilson Howard killed near here. John and Tom Baker accused of the killing. Bakerā€™s and the Howardā€™s are on the outs.

Roll 3, Pg 2034-35, dated 13 Apr 1898  Crane Creek/ Clay Co.

Baker, Garrard

Roll 3 Pg 2548 24 July 1898 Hyden 

Baker, Jack

Ā½ brother to Isaac BAKER. Died on Cutshin at about 100.

Roll  3- page 2280  dated Apr 1898 


Married Rachel Fields

Roll 3 Pg 2280 dated Apr 1898 

Baker, Jackson

Married Sallie Maggard. An old man near Bufflo. Information by: Reuben Maggard

 Roll 3 ,Page  2141 dated  1898 

Baker, James (Claybank)

Married Esther Robertson. Son of John Sen (Teneretta)

Roll 3, page 2282, dated  Apr 1898 

BAKER, James

Married Sallie DAVIDSON

Roll 3 Pg 2216 30 Mar 1898


Died in NC recently at about 105. He was very rich.

Roll 3, Page 2278-80, dated Apr 1898 

Baker, John

Frank Clark and John shot and killed on Horse Creek, Clay Ky. Creek, in Clay Co. Kentucky on  20 July 1898. Dick McCollum was with them, but O.K.  John was charged with lots of crimes. He was young about 25; He has a wife and 1 or 2 kids. He is Garrard Baker.

Roll 3, page 2547-48, dated 24 July 1898 Hyden. 

Baker, John

A  Ā½ brother to George, hence an Ā½ Uncle to Tom. Has turned against Torn and the others and is stirring up trouble.

Roll 3 Pg 2521 dated  July 1898   Manchester

Baker, John

Of Perry Co. John Baker son of "Juder Bob" Baker, married Lucinda Amis/ Amos. They were step brother and sister. Genealogy by Jason Bolling.

Roll 2 Pg 1402 / Roll 3 Pages 2249, 2282 ,2221  dated 28 July 1890 / Apr 1898

Baker, John G.

Son of George. John was called "Cana the Rhymer".

Information by: A.E. Robertson.

Roll 3, page  2283  dated  April  1898 

Baker, John "Teneretta" ("Rent-a")

Pa of "Juder Bob". Great great grandson of Jason Bolling. He came to Buffalo Creek from Boyle Co. He was uncle of Robert P. Letcher, Gay. of KY. Information by: Jason Bolling.

Roll 3 Pg 2221,2282-83 dated 8 Apr 1898  Manchester, Clay, KY 

Baker, Julius Robert             - Called "Juder Bob", married widow of John Amis/ Amos. He is great grandpa of Jason W. Bolling. His son John married Lucinda Amis (step brother and sister). "Juder Bob" was in war of 1812. He is buried in Buffalo, Owsley Co. Son of John ("Teneretta" / "Rent-a") Information by: Jason Bolling.

Roll 3 Pg 2221-2, 2344 dated  8 Apr 1898 Manchester, Clay, KY 

Baker, Lilly


Roll 3 Pg 1932  dated 9 Nov 1897       Manchester 

Baker, "Mr"

Young. Gave the first public display of a radio.

Roll 6 Pg 4828  dated 18 Jan 1923      Flemingsburg 

Baker, Nancy

Married Roderick McIntosh in Hancock Co.TN.   Information by: R.G. Lewis         

Roll 3 Pg 2259-60  dated 23 Apr 1898  Hyden. 

Baker, Nathan

Killed in accident with mules and car 24 Sep 1923. He was a Carter Co. farmer, here to buy and sell stock. He lived about 3 miles form Oliver Hill. The car was driven by Oscar Lytle. He left a wife and 3 kids.
Roll 6 Pg 4961-2  dated 25 Sep 1923  Flemingsburg 

Baker, Perly "Dr"

National Superintendent of Anti Saloon League.

Roll 5 Pg 3970 dated 23 Dec 1912      Washington D.C. 

Bowling, Eli

Killed by John Cundiff, uncle of Henry Lucas. (A bully with great power) They quarreled about Milly Henson, and John stabbed Eli. Eli was bad and his son James looked for John. Elijah born 1798 at 3 forks of Powell River, Lee, VA. His pa was Jessie and his ma Mary Pennington of Lee Co. VA.

Roll. 3 Pg 2112 / Roll 3 Pg 2344 dated  22 Dec 1897/ June 1898     Clay Co.  Benge 

Bowling, "Rev" Hughes

I am a preacher in the Missionary Baptist Church. I joined in 1884. I was born 8 Apr 1857, Bull Creek, Clay, KY.

Roll 3 Pg 2246-48 Apr 1898 Hector Creek 

Bowling, James

Had a sister Mollie who married a Gilbert. James had a brother who was the father of "Hungry" John Bowling/Bolling, who is still living on Sinking Creek, Knox, KY.  James' brother also the father of Mrs. John Holland, mother of Anderson Holland , of Martins Creek, Clay, Ky. She is still living.  James Bowling drowned in well (near Tanyard Branch), called McHone hole. James married Mahala Wilson

 Roll 3- pages 2160,2194,2246 dated  1898  Clay Co. KY 

Bowling/Bolling, Jason Walker

Jason said his great grandpa "Rev" Jesse Bolling, baptisted "Rev" John Gilbert. I am great great grandson of "Teneretta" Baker, great grandson of Julius or "Juder" Baker.

Roll 3-Pg 2181, 2221, 2344  dated Mar 1898 / 8 Apr 1898 / 15 June 1898      Benge, Clay KY  and Manchester, Clay, KY.

Bolling/ Bowling

Of Clay Co. sell whiskey for John F. Young. Early settlers on Middle Fork.

Roll. 3-  Pg 2211 and 2420

Roll 4- Pg 2737 dated 1898 / 26 Mar 1899               


One married ? Maggard.  One never married.  Children of Jesse.

 Roll 3 Pg 2343-5  dated 15 June 1898   Benge

Bolling, Great Grandmother of David B. Redwine. She was of Russell Co., Va. Information by William J. Cope

Roll 3, Pg. 2538   Jackson 

Bolling, Elijah B.

Married Susan Baker.  Parents of Jason Walker Bolling.

 Roll 3- Pg 2221, dated 1898 

Bolling, Benjamin

Born about 1852-3. Son of "Maj" John and Elizabeth Blair. One of 19 sons.  Information by: Jason W. Bolling

Roll 3- Pg 2344 dated 15 June 1898    Benge 

Bolling, Delany

Of MO. Son of "Maj' John and Elizabeth Blair.  One of 19 sons. Information by: Jason W. Bolling

Roll 3- Pg 2344-5 , dated 15 June 1898              Benge 

Bolling, Eli

John Cundiff, uncle of Henry Lucas, killed Eli Bowling who was a bully, a man of great power. Milly Henson was the woman they had a quarrel about. Bowling kicked John Cundiff, a small man. He went away and came back with a dirk knife, called Bowling to the door and plunged it into him. He died in a few minutes. John left the country and never retuned. Eli Bowling was a bad man. His son James, was hunting for John when he met grandfather Cundiff, who said ā€œJim, put that gun down. We have gotten rid of 2 bad men and let the matter stop."   Information by: Henry Lucas.

Roll 3-  Pg 2112 dated 22 Dec 1897    Manchester

Bolling, Elijah

Grandfather to Jason W. Elijah born 1798 at 3 Forks of Powell River in Lee Co., Va. and was 12 when his father came to Perry Co., KY. Son of Jesse.  Information by: Jason W. Bolling

Roll 3- Pg 2344 dated 15 June 1898    Benge

Bolling, Graham

Was shot and killed by Stephen Robison, Eli Bolling, and M.C Jones were shot also. Information by: "Judgeā€ Dickerson

Roll 3 page 2172

Bolling, Jason Walker

My great grandfather, Jesse BOLLING, came to KY in 1810. My grandfather was Elijah. Daniel Duff baptized my grandfather Elijah. "Rev" Andrew Baker baptized my great grandfather at Black Water Church, now Hawkins Co., TN. My great great grandfather was "Maj" John Bolling, he had 19 sons. I do not know that there were any daughters. John Gilbert and John Amis married sisters of James, Eli and John Bolling.  Jason gives his "Baker" genealogy, Roll 3 Pg 2221.

Roll. 3 Pg 2221, 2344-6 dated 8 Apr 1898 / 15 June 1898 

Bolling, Mary

Abijah Gilbertā€™s father went to Richmond to get license to marry Mary Bolling, who had brothers: Eli, John, William and Levi. Sister Nancy married John Sizemore.

Roll 3 - page 2383

Bolling, Robert

Son of "Majā€ John and Elizabeth Blair Bolling.  One of 19 sons. Information by: Jason W. Bolling

Roll 3- Pg 2344, dated 15 June 1898   Benge 

Bolling, William

Son of "Maj" John and Elizabeth Blair Bolling. William married Martha Jefferson, sister of President Thomas  Jefferson. One of 19 sons.

Roll 3 Pg 2344 dated 1898   Benge 

Bolling, William

Married Deborah Duff. Daniel Duff  baptized Elijah Bolling

Roll 3- page 2319  dated May 1898 


Roll 4 Pg 3272  dated 24 Jan 1902  Washington 

Byrley, Naomi

(2) wife of Robert Carnahan. They married in Clay Co.

Roll 3- Pg 2297,2301 dated 1898. 


Married Sookey Roberts. (female).

Roll 3, page 2065, 2217 dated 1897


Came to town Saturday and died Sunday.

Roll 3, page 1969, dated 13 Dec 1897 Manchester 

Bowling, Dan

Has brother Dave, grandson of Eli, son of James

Roll 3, Page 2246-7 dated 22 April 1898  Hector Creek 

Allman, Douglass/Duglass

Of Harris and Allman. Mr. Allaman bricklayer on academy.

Roll 2 Pg 705,837,919  and  Roll 3 Pg 1676  dated 4 Nov 1886 / 8 May 1896 

Alton, G.W. "Bro"

Had his funeral. Left wife and 3 kids and their families. Mrs. S.B. Tully, lives in Manchester, 0. and her 2 sons, J.W. and C.D. in Covington, KY

Roll 6 Pg 4723  dated 24 Apr 1922     Maysville 


Married Susanna Boggs. Daughter of Rebecca and Abel. Information by:

Rebecca Maggard.

Roll 3 Pg 2262 Apr 1898      Montgomery Co. KY 

AMBROSE, "Rev" and M.D.

He married William Holland SHOCKLEY to Ann Eliza DICKEY 7 May 1851.

 Roll 3 Pg 2380 / Roll 5 Pg 3834,4235  dated 1898 / 1911 / 1917


Her husband was a minister, also an M.D. Information by: Mrs. Martha J. GILBERT

Roll 3 Pg 2262 / Roll 5 Pg 3834,4235 dated 1898 / 1911 / 1917

AMIX, George

Received medal at school

Roll 4 Pg 3179 dated 4 June 1901       Hazel Green 

AMOS, A.R. "Mrs."

At Library meeting.

Roll 6 Pg 5059  dated 6 May 1924      Flemingsburg

AMOS, John (or AMY / AMIS / AMUS)

Was first settler about mouth of Cutshin. John was killed at first term of court in Clay Co. Oct 1807. James TODD saw John AMOS killed. Killed by Joel ELKINS, whom he had partly raised. A relative, Lincoln AMOS, came and got land at Cutshin after John's death. William BEGLY had possesion. John was in "Cattle War". John was brother-in-law of John GILBERT, having married BOLLING sisters. Wiley, a son of John. Information by: John EVERSOLE and Andrew COMBS

 Roll 3- Pg 2120,2125,2126,2182,2271,2321,1676  dated 8 May 1896              Clay Co.

AMOS / AMIS Lucinda

Married John BAKER (step brother and sister) Information by: Jason BOLLING

 Roll 3 Pg 2221 dated  8 Apr 1898      Manchester

AMOS, "Mrsā€

Sister to William Jackson (Jack) HENDRICK. Also to sisters in Kansas City, MO.

Roll 6 Pg 5173 dated  23 Feb 1925      Flemingsburg

AMOS, Susan

Married Charles HOUSE (HOWES). Information by Melville JOHNSON

Roll 3 Pg 2128 dated  Jan 1898           Clay Co.

AMOS, Thomas

In 3rd Battalion of 14th KY Cavalery. Information by: William B. EVERSOLE

Roll 3 Pg 2146

AMOS, Wiley

Had "war" with William  STRONG. Wiley, Toni, Anse, and Bob AMOS/AMIS left after STRONG was killed after "Cattle War". The STRONG & AMIS "war" in 1873, was result of "Cattle War". Not really an AMOS, he was born out of wedlock and took his Mother's name. ( his ma was a BOLLING ) Was a son of John AMOS' widow. Information by: John EVERSOLE

Roll 3 Pg 2125,2412,2424 July 1898 Clay Co.


Spoke at Dist. Convention here.

Roll 6 Pg 5344 dated  23 May 1926   Fairview

ANDERSON. ā€œBishopā€

Mrs. ANDERSON formerly lived in Maysville, both of Cincinnati now.

Roll 5 page 4161 / Roll 5 page 4451, dated 24 Feb 1916 / 19 May 1910        Lexington


Of Pittsburg

Roll 3 Pg 1888  dated  Sep 1897



C.W. ANDERSON steward of church

Roll 3 Pg 1637, 1831 dated 4 Mar 1896 / 1 Apr 1897


Secretary of Bible class. Charles was a "Romanists" (Catholic).

Roll 5 Page 4099, 4116 dated 8 Feb 1915    Hutchison

Dr. John J. Dickey Diary, Fleming County, Ky. Recorded in the 1870's and
beyond. Reprinted in Kentucky Explorer, Volume 10, No 4 - September,
1995. p. 86. By permission. Clay County.

Benge, Kentucky, June 15, 1898.

My great grandfather, Jesse Bolling, came to Kentucky in 1810. My
grandfather, Elijah Bolling was born at the Three Forks of Powell River in
Lee Co., Virginia in 1798, and when he was 12 years old his father removed
to Perry Co., Ky. Daniel Duff baptized by great-grandfdather, Elijah
Bolling. Rev. Andrew Baker baptized by great-grandfather at Blackwater
Church, now Hawkins County, Tenn. My great-great grandfather was Major
John Bolling. He had 19 sons. I do not know that there were any
daughters. One of these sons, William Bolling married Martha Jefferson,
sister of Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. Other sons
were, Jesse, above mentioned, Benjamin the oldest born in 1752 or 3.
Jesse was born 1765. Roberta the wife of U. S. Senator Archibald Dixon,
was the daughter of Dilaney Bolling of Missouri and the granddaughter of
Major John Bolling, aforesaid. Gov. John Young Brown's wife was a
daughter of Archibald Dixon. (Roger Cornett, son of the original William
Cornett built the house where Hamp. Coldiron lives, in 1802, he married
Zilpha Callahan. This makes the date of the Cornett's coming to Kentucky
1796-1799 probable. Men from Crug's Ferry at mouth of Sexton were at the
raising. Roger Cornett was into slaves and land. He owned the Coleman
Survey, patented in 1783 of 5,600 acres.)
There are some Bollings in western Kentucky. One went to Congress
some years ago, perhaps 1870 or 1872. The first Bolling who came to
America was Colonel Robert Bolling of London, England. I think old Cava
Baker made the rhyme on the "Cattle War," I have always heard it that way.
Old Julius Bob Baker and William Neal were in St. Clair's defeat. Baker
held a Major's Commission. They are both buried at Buffalo, Owsley,
County. Neal requested to be buried beside Baker. John Gilbert and John
Amis married sisters of James Bowling [sic]. From Eli, John (grandfather
of Judge Josiah Comb's wife), Christopher, William, Joseph, Nancy
(Sizemore) another sister of these, have descended most of the Bollings in
Clay County. Jesse Bolling, my great grandfather married Mary Pennington
of Lee County, Va. He was born in North Carolina at Hillsboro. His
father was born in Virginia. David Pennington, her brother, was living
during the War of the Rebellion. My grandfather, Elijah Bolling stayed
with him in Lee Co. during the late war. Jesse Bolling had ten children
as follows: Hannah mararied Huff; Mary married Abram Barger; Justice
married ??; John married Polly Lewis; Jesse married Lewis for his second
wife; William married a daughter of Daniel Duff; Elijah married Roberts;
George married Lewis; a daughter married Joseph Spencer; Betsey married
Abel Pennington; another married Maggard; another died single. A. P. Hill
and Basil Duke married sisters of John Morgan. His mother was the
daughter of John Hunt, the first millionaire in Kentucky. Dr. Foster of
Kentucky was reared by Mrs. Hunt.
John J. Dickey's interview with John Eversole [#7483]
Manchester, Kentucky
31 January 1898
I was born in Clay County, Kentucky, February 27, 1815. My father's name was Abraham Eversole [#3031]. He was born in Ashe County, North Carolina. He died of small pox about the close of the [Civil] war. My brothers came from the war on furlough and took small pox after they came home. From him they took the disease. They had been vaccinated and recovered. I was the second child, and he was 21 or 22 years old when I was born. This would make him 71 or 72 years old when he died in 1865 or 1866 and would fix his birth at 1794 or 1795. My grandfather, Jacob Eversole [#459], came from Ashe County, North Carolina, on New River to the mouth of Cutshin, now Leslie County. My father and his brother, Wollery [#457], helped him to grub cane and burnt it near the mouth of Cutshin. They told how the cane would pop when they burned it. I think my father was 16 or 17 years old at that time. If this be true, it would put their removal to Kentucky about 1810. The country was new. John Amis (or Amy) [#4088] was the first settler about the mouth of Cutshin, but I cannot tell when. John Amis was killed at the first term of court held in Clay County which was in 1807.
My grandfather later settled about two and one-half miles above the mouth of Grapevine on the North Fork. My grandfather, Jacob Eversole, was born in Pennsylvania. He was a wagoner in the Revolutionary War. In the service, he contracted white swelling from a bruise. He recovered from it but always halted a little in his walk. He was not grown at the time, just a youth. His father [Jacob Ebersohl #461] came from Germany to the United States prior to the American Revolution. He came to escape the persecution of [by] the Roman Catholics. I suppose he settled in Pennsylvania. My Grandmother Eversole's name was Mary Kessler [#460]. Her father [Hans Abraham Kessler? #5904] was a weaver, and he learned his trade in Germany. He could weave almost any kind of warp. He took his loom with him wherever he went. He probably brought it with him from Germany. My grandfather, Jacob Eversole, had brothers, John and Peter [#21771], who were older than he; also, Chrisly who was a great wit. he was in demand at various gatherings to make fun for the crowd. My grandfather used to tell of a little incident that occurred in his boyhood. In the entry of the barn, they threshed their wheat and rye with flails. One of the boys, perhaps John, fell from the loft onto the floor of the entry and struck his forehead. He sprang up and rubbed the grains of wheat off his forehead that were sticking in the flesh and exclaimed, "Peter, do you think my neck is broken?" I do not know how many children my great-grandfather had. Some of my ancestors either the Kesslers or the Eversoles or both worked for their passage to America. My grandfather and grandmother read and spoke the German language. They both spoke bad English. They lived with my father part of the time. They learned English after they came. Their children spoke German. They would upbraid each other for speaking improperly. At first they would tell their children that they were too proud to speak their mother tongue. When they were old, living with Father, I heard them talk a great deal. They had a German Bible. He was accustomed to conduct the family devotions at my father's during his residence there. I have heard him preach several times, but his language was so broken that it provoked snides. I have heard men say they would as soon hear him preach as anybody. My grandmother was a Christian, also. They both were members of the Baptist church. My grandfather was a Dunkard Baptist and wore his beard. He was the only man I ever saw wear a beard during his lifetime.
I have heard Daniel Duff [#4134] and William Strong [#3148] preach. Also, I heard Jesse Bowling [#467] and John Gilbert [#4091] who baptized me. My father, Abraham Eversole, prayed in public. My uncle, Lewis DeWeese [#4306], also prayed in public. He married my aunt, Sallie Eversole [#3032]. He was not a preacher. My father preached when he got old, and he used to have family prayer.
The early settlers raised a few acres of wheat. They cut it with a sickle, threshed it with a flail, and ground the wheat on horse mills, water mills, or hand mills. They stretched a piece of thin, cotton cloth over a large hook thereby making a sieve, and through this they bolted the flour. They called it a "sarch." Mills or morters in which cornmeal was made with a pestle run by a sweep was common. The preaching was first in private houses, and afterward they built meetinghouses. Their meetinghouses were used for schoolhouses. When my cousin, Joseph Eversole [#455?], was in the Legislature of Kentucky, the Representative from Lewis County told him of an Eversole who lived in Ohio, opposite Lewis County. The Representative was acquainted with him. My cousin, Joe, wrote to him. The Ohio man acknowledged him as kinsman from what my uncle wrote to him. It was he who said that our Eversole ancestors left Germany for conscience sake. He said he knew of Jacob and Mary Eversole, my grandparents, but they lost sight of them. He was glad to hear of them. I read the letter which my cousin exhibited when he returned from Frankfort. My grandfather died before I reached majority. I think it was before my marriage which occurred when I was in my 19th year which would be in 1833 or 1834.
I do not know when my grandfather moved to North Carolina from Pennsylvania or how long he lived there. I don't know [when] or why he moved to Kentucky except that the news of the fertility of the soil and the abundance of game at the place. My grandfather was not a gunner, but his sons were fond of the chase. Perhaps the love of hunting prompted his sons more than their father to come to Kentucky. I do not know that my grandfather owned land, but his sons did.
John Amis (or Amy) [#4088] was of French extraction, I have heard it said, a kinsman. Lincoln Amis came and claimed the land about the mouth of Cutshin after John Amis' death. William Begley had possession at the time. The matter did not go into court. I do not know how they comprised [compromised] it. Wiley Amis [#35696], who had the war with Capt. William Strong, was a son of John Amis' widow. He was not an Amis but simply took his mother's name. He was born out of wedlock, and I do not know who was his father. It was John Amis who was one of the principals in the "Cattle War." He was killed at the first session of court in Clay County in 1807 by Joel Elkins whom he had partly reared. It is said that a peddler had been killed, and Amis and this man were accused of the crime. The man told Amis that if he swore against him he would kill him. Whether he testified against him or not I do not know, but the man came into the courthouse and shot Amis' brains out, in the presence of the court. He fled to the top of the mountain, pursued by officers and a posse. he became exhausted and sank down and surrendered. He was tried and convicted at that session and hung.
I have heard the following lines on the "Cattle War." John Amis (Amy) and others went out to kill elks. They came across a group of cattle, and there they made their slaughter. They killed more than 20 head and sunk them in the water. Pete Stacey punched a woman, which caused the blood to run. I would have liked it better if it had not been done. This was in reference to Peter Stacey of the North Fork crowd who punched a woman in the face with his gun. The Amis crowd sent for Gen. Hugh White to come with his militia and protect them, and this was his reply. "You have got yourselves in trouble, and you get out of it if you can. I'll neither come to your assistance nor send a single man."
The North Forkers came in force to the Middle Fork to take stock from Amis and to make good their losses for the song goes to say. They took Jugie and Frogie and burnt three fodder shocks and broke some rifles. I have heard that old John Begley say that his father, Thomas, sent him after General White riding a fine stallion, and he rode it so hard that it died. Juder Lewis [#3127] married this John Begley's daughter. He married a Stewart.
The source of where this information came from were several sources. I do not know the author, but a lot of these listings came from several Genealogy Historical Societies in Kentucky.








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